Hair Transplant Cost In Gurgaon: Are Hair Transplants Safe?

hair transplant

In India, hair transplant has become one of the most popular cosmetic treatments. One of the reasons is that this surgery can resolve the hair loss issues of a wide range of the population. Over 1 million people in India suffer from alopecia areata, a condition that causes abnormal hair loss. Androgenic alopecia, commonly known as pattern baldness, is observed in about 85% of Indian men. Even among women, hair loss is becoming a common and worrisome matter.

Table Of Content

  1. What Is A Hair Transplant Treatment?
  2. What Are The Types Of Hair Transplants?
  3. Are Hair Transplants Safe?
  4. What Precautions Should You Take?
  5. What Is The Hair Transplant Cost In Gurgaon?
  6. Why Choose RECON For Hair Transplant Treatment In Gurgaon?

However, as many people are not well aware of all the aspects of a hair transplant surgery, it is a common question if this treatment is safe. The following article intends to answer this question and give you more details about the cost of the treatment, the different surgery techniques, and the necessary precautions associated with it.

1. What Is A Hair Transplant Treatment?

A hair transplant is aesthetic surgery. While getting this treatment is not a medical necessity, it helps people deal with hair loss issues. You can get this surgery done by a licensed dermatologist, cosmetician, or plastic surgeon.
This treatment is not very invasive and is usually an outpatient procedure. So, in case of no complications, you would be allowed to return home on the same day after the surgery after being under observation for a few hours.
Abnormal hair loss is usually due to dead or damaged hair follicles caused by a genetic condition, old age, or lifestyle factors. A hair transplant treatment involves taking out healthy hair follicles from one part of your body and implanting them in the area that has suffered hair loss, usually the scalp.
The surgical procedure is very simple and involves a pre-surgical consultation, surgery, and recovery.

2. What Are The Types Of Hair Transplants?

Over the decades, the techniques of performing a hair transplant have evolved a lot. The traditional FUT method and the relatively new FUE method are the two most common approaches to performing this surgery.

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)

FUT is the traditional method of hair transplant. This method involves making incisions along the donor site of healthy hair follicles and extracting small patches of skin. Each patch containing a few donor follicles are further shortened into tiny grafts. The donor grafts are then implanted and stitched with absorbable or nonabsorbable stitches.

As it involves incisions and stitches, the FUE method results in scarring at the donor and recipient sites. It also takes a little longer for the operated areas to recover. Everything considered this method has high success rates when performed under expert supervision.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a relatively new technique for performing a hair transplant surgery. This method involves shaving the donor site and extracting each healthy donor follicle with the help of a punch incision and forceps. Once the grafts are harvested, the doctor uses a thin needle to make tiny holes and individually implants the follicles at the recipient site.

This process requires no big incisions and stitches. Hence, there is no risk of scarring, and you will have a relatively quick recovery. Also, the follicles are transplanted separately, giving them a more random arrangement. Due to this, the result looks natural.

3. Are Hair Transplants Safe?

Yes, hair transplant surgery is considered safe when you follow an expert doctor's instructions and take the necessary precautions. While it is a minor surgery, it is surgery nonetheless. Hence, there are certainly some risk factors involved with this treatment. Swelling, bleeding, infection, numbness, bruising, and itching are some possible complications. However, they are very rare and can be completely prevented if you choose an experienced specialist for the treatment and take the precautions as told by them.

In most cases, the donor follicles are taken from the same person's body. So, unlike most other transplants, there is no risk of graft rejection. However, if, due to some reason, you have to take the donor follicles from another individual who is not your identical twin, there are a few extra steps and some risk factors involved. The doctor will test the donor to determine if they are a suitable match for you. Even if you find the perfect donor, you must take immunity-suppressing medications throughout your lifetime to prevent your body from rejecting the donor grafts.
Everything considered a hair transplant at RECON Clinic is safe as you will be under the care of expert and experienced specialists who will guide you through preparation, surgery, and recovery.

What Precautions Should You Take?

After a hair transplant surgery, the recovery period can last from 3 weeks to 2 months, depending on the individual and the method of surgery. The operated site would be covered with a bandage and gauze for the initial few days. And when the site has somewhat headed, the doctor would remove it.
During the recovery period, you need to take some necessary precautions. These measures would prevent complications and give you the best possible results

  1. Do not touch or scratch the operated site.
  2. Do not bend down for 4 to 6 hours after the surgery.
  3. Sleep or lie down with your head angled at 45 degrees from your body; this would prevent swelling caused due to blood rushing to the site.
  4. Do not shampoo or comb your scalp for at least 10 days.
  5. Avoid going out in direct sunlight; if you have to, wear a loose hat or cover your head with a scarf.
  6. Take the medications as prescribed by your doctor.
  7. Pay follow-up visits to your doctor to ensure your wound is healing properly.
  8. In case of a headache, blurry vision, severe itching, constant soreness, or any such issue after the surgery, consult your doctor immediately.

What Is The Hair Transplant Cost In Gurgaon?

The transplant hair treatment cost in Gurgaon is a varying factor. It depends on the hospital you choose for the treatment, the method of surgery you opt for, the number of grafts required for the transplant, and the surgeon's expertise.
At RECON Clinic in Gurgaon, the hair transplant treatment is highly affordable. A consultation before the surgery, the post-surgical checkups, and our highly supportive and friendly staff team makes your experience here comfortable and the treatment cost-effective.

Why Choose RECON For Hair Transplant Treatment In Gurgaon?

At RECON Clinic, you will experience facial cosmetic treatment at its best. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals with a specialty in performing cosmetic surgeries and providing the necessary treatment. We aim to help you become the best version of yourself and feel confident and comfortable in your skin.

The RECON Clinic is furnished with modern equipment to provide the best quality and foolproof solutions to all your facial cosmetic issues. Our staff team is hospitable and friendly, determined to make your treatment experience smooth and comfortable. To get the most cost-effective and best quality hair transplant in Gurgaon, book an appointment at RECON Clinic now!