Eyelid Surgery In Gurgaon At RECON Clinic

Droopy eyes, baggy eyelids, and under-eye bags are some issues many people face. If you can relate, we at RECON have the perfect solution to your worries!

The eyes are considered one of the most attractive features of a person. They play a major part in your appearance and how people perceive you from afar. But some factors like droopy eyelids, double eyelids, or disturbed peripheral vision can affect your confidence in this case.

Eyelid surgery in Gurgaon is a safe, effective, and highly affordable solution to this. To know more about the procedure and other details of this surgery, contact us at +919981600999.

Double Eyelid Surgery: What Is It?

This surgery is professionally called blepharoplasty. It addresses the issue of baggy eyelids. Numerous factors can cause baggy or droopy eyelids. With age, the muscles along your eyelids weaken, and the skin stretches, causing it to droop. Genetics or excessive weight gain could also contribute to this.

Double eyelid surgery removes the sagging muscles and extra skin and fat tissue from the eyelid area, making them look firm. This gives your eyes a more firm and younger appearance. You can get this procedure done separately, or it can be performed along with other similar procedures like facelift, browlift, and skin resurfacing treatments.

While this eyelid lifting surgery is mostly performed for cosmetic purposes, it sometimes becomes a necessity. Saggy eyelids at the edges of your eyes can interfere with your peripheral vision. Similarly, if the saggy eyelid falls along your pupil, it will affect your overall field of vision.

Eyelid Plastic Surgery At RECON: What Does It Involve?

Eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure with fairly simple steps. At RECON, we ensure that you have a clear understanding of the whole process before undergoing treatment.

You can consult with our expert about the results you want from the surgery. Our surgeon would give you a clear picture of the expected outcome, possible risks and side effects, and the precautions you would need to take. They would also look into your medical history for any previous surgeries, medical conditions like diabetes and dry eyes, and any medications you might be taking. If needed, the doctor might ask you to discontinue some medications, like blood thinners, for a while. You can clear all your doubts about the surgery during this session.

The surgery itself doesn't take long and is done within one hour. It might take longer if you wish to work on your upper and lower eyelids. Right before the surgery, the surgeon would give you anesthesia through an injection or IV.

The surgeon would make an incision along the crease and upturn the skin layer to operate on your upper eyelids. They would remove the saggy muscles and excess skin and fats from the region and stitch up the incision. For the lower eyelids, the incision is made right below your lashes, along the lower crease, and the same method is followed.

Due to the location of the incision and the fine stitches, there would be minimal to no risk of you getting a noticeable scar from this surgery.

Who Can Get A Double Eyelid Surgery At RECON?

At RECON, we are dedicated to providing treatments to people who are fit enough to undergo the procedure. This ensures that they heal properly and get the desired results without any complications.

You can get eyelid surgery at RECON if:

  • You have droopy or saggy eyelids
  • You have baggy under eyes
  • You have double eyelids due to extra skin and fate
  • You have blurred vision or disrupted peripheral vision due to the saggy eyelids.

Kindly avoid undergoing this procedure if you are going through medical issues like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, circulatory disease, hyperthyroidism, or chronic dry eyes. Also, pregnant women must consult their doctor before getting this surgery done.

What To Expect From Eyelid Plastic Surgery At RECON?

This surgery is an outpatient procedure, and you would be allowed to go home the same day after the surgery. However, right after the treatment, we would keep you under observation for a little while. At RECON, we religiously follow this to ensure that there are no complications.

It could take 2 to 3 weeks for the operated area to heal from double eyelid surgery. However, you can return to normal work about 2 weeks after the surgery. During this recovery period, you can expect some swelling and bruising around your eye. You might also experience some pain. Cold compress and topical ointments would help you with these.

Follow the instructions as told by the doctor and take the prescribed medications on time. Also, avoid rubbing your eyes and making direct contact with sunlight or dust. If you need to go out, wear dark sunglasses for protection.

Once the operated area has healed, you will no longer have droopy eyelids and baggy under the eyes!

Eyelid Surgery Cost At RECON

Eyelid surgery cost in Gurgaon is a variable factor. It depends on the service provider, the experience of the surgeon performing the surgery, and whether the procedure is performed on the upper or lower eyelid or both. Also, the charges would be different if you are getting this surgery done along with other procedures.

At RECON, we provide services for eyelid surgery separately and paired with other procedures as well. The cost of this surgery here is highly affordable. We have specialized and expert professional surgeons for the treatment and a friendly and attentive staff team for your constant support and comfort. The overall experience of getting eyelid plastic surgery at RECON is cost-effective and efficient.

Why Choose RECON?

RECON is the center of cosmetic excellence. We provide top-notch treatments and surgeries to address and solve your cosmetic beauty issues.

Our team encompasses highly skilled cosmetic surgeons with extensive experience in providing cosmetic treatments and performing surgeries. The state-of-the-art equipment assists them in our clinic. This further enhances the efficiency of our treatments and ensures to give you the desired result.

To get the best eyelid surgery in Gurgaon, visit RECON Clinic, or contact us at +919981600999.

Detailed information regarding the procedure and post-procedure care will be given after consultation.