Reduction Rhinoplasty Treatment At RECON:
Cost-Effective And Best Results

Numerous people are born with imperfectly proportioned noses. You may attempt to conceal your nose in photographs or avoid being photographed if you feel insecure about your imperfect nose. In that case, reducing the size of your nose to complement your other facial characteristics might help you feel more at ease.

If you're weary of your large nose, it's time to understand how reduction rhinoplasty treatments at RECON can help you achieve the desired appearance.

For more information about the procedure, contact us at +91 99816 00999.

Reduction Rhinoplasty: What Is It?

Reduction rhinoplasty is one of two resizing procedures that may be performed during nasal surgery; the other procedure enlarges a tiny nose. Reduction rhinoplasty, as its name indicates, decreases the size of the nose. When choosing this kind of surgery, you may focus on some areas of the nose that need reduction, such as the tip, a hump or bump, and others. Frequently, bone and cartilage must be removed from the nose to attain the appropriate form and size.

People with larger-than-average noses are particularly more interested in this surgery. It is because their noses seem to dominate their face and distract from other features. Nose reduction surgery at RECON is the perfect solution if you relate to this.


Reduction Rhinoplasty Treatment Procedure: How We Do It At RECON

Regardless of what part of your nose is targeted, most reduction rhinoplasty treatments at RECON follow a similar format. All begin with incisions, either open or closed.

To initiate a closed or endonasal rhinoplasty, our surgeons make incisions inside the nostrils, leaving no visible sutures or scars. Using this technique, our surgeon will access your underlying bone and cartilage structure and, if necessary, resize it.

During an open or external rhinoplasty, our surgeon will make a tiny incision between your nostrils on the bottom of your nose. Due to the location, there will be a tiny but hardly noticeable scar. This surgery allows our surgeon access to the bottom and tip of your nasal structure. It is the most effective method for refining rhinoplasty, the surgical alteration of the tip of the nose.

No matter where your incisions are made, cartilage and bone will be removed to make your nose smaller. Our professional surgeon will focus on these areas if you just want certain portions of your nose, such as the nostrils or a hump, reduced in size. Under the surgical plan you developed during your consultation at RECON, adjustments will be performed until the desired outcome is attained.

During this process, there will be no need to reduce the size of your nose's skin since it will naturally contract to its new size. After your nose reduction surgery, your nose will be more proportionate to the rest of your face and less prone to attract unwelcome attention.

Precautions Before Therapy

  • You will recover more quickly and get superior outcomes if you're healthy. Therefore, you should take measures to enhance your health. For instance, eating well and drinking adequate water may do wonders for your body.
  • If you smoke, you should quit at least two weeks before surgery since smoking delays the healing process and increases the chance of problems such as bleeding. You should abstain from smoking for at least two weeks after rhinoplasty to let your body recuperate correctly.
  • You must avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications and other supplements for at least two weeks before surgery. Follow the doctor's advice for continuing any medication or supplement.

Who Is Eligible For Reduction Rhinoplasty At RECON?

Our plastic surgeons prefer to perform nose reduction plastic surgery on individuals who have attained "skeletal maturity" or whose features have stopped developing. By 14 or 15, a girl's facial characteristics may be thoroughly developed. In contrast, boys continue to develop for at least one more year.

This restriction applies mainly to cosmetic rhinoplasties. If you undergo this surgery at a young age, your face will alter as you age, and the rhinoplasty results may no longer complement the rest of your face. Hence, age as an eligibility factor is important to consider.

According to our plastic surgeons, you must also be emotionally mature and mentally healthy. Getting this surgery under peer pressure or due to unrealistic expectations is advised against.

As stated earlier, rhinoplasty candidates must be in excellent physical condition. The following medical conditions are often deemed incompatible with nose reduction plastic surgery:

  • Cardiac disease
  • Lung disease
  • Bleeding problems
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • High levels of triglycerides
  • Being overweight

What Does The Recovery Involve?

Recovery and therapy for reduction rhinoplasty treatments are the same as other rhinoplasty procedures. Expect swelling and pain for a few days after surgery while the nose and surrounding tissues mend. As the healing process progresses, you will notice that the bruises and swelling lessen. You can return to work, daily activities, and all the planned critical events. While the chances of side effects and complications are minimal, we are always there at your service if need be.

Reduction Rhinoplasty Treatment Cost At RECON

The reduction rhinoplasty treatment cost in Gurgaon is determined by the individual procedures undertaken. It might range from a bit of tip treatment to a complex secondary rhinoplasty. Non-invasive rhinoplasty is much less expensive than surgical rhinoplasty. At RECON, we promise to provide you with outstanding care before, during, and after surgery at an affordable price.

Visit RECON: The Best Centre For Reduction Rhinoplasty Treatment

Consult our qualified facial plastic surgeon for optimal outcomes and learn more about the reduction of rhinoplasty treatment costs in Gurgaon and how it may benefit you. Our experts have been recognized for their groundbreaking research on the correlation between nasal vasculature and rhinoplasty outcomes. They have vast experience in nose surgery.

Hi-tech cutting-edge equipment and the constant assistance and support of our staff team at RECON would make your experience here comfortable, glitch-free, and cost-effective.

Make an appointment at RECON to get the best surgical attention and optimal rhinoplasty results. Contact us now at +91 99816 00999.